26012 Marguerite Pkwy, Suite 0, Mission Viejo, CA 92692


Volunteering in Corona

Man petting loving dog

Volunteering in Corona is not only good for the community, but it is also good for you and the animals you are helping out. Volunteering is great for everyone, and you are helping contribute to a solution. Volunteering is not hard or strenuous work; it can be as easy as walking dogs or playing with kittens. Part of the job as a volunteer is that you work with the animals, so they can eventually become adoptable to families. Many times, animals that go into shelters or rescues are strays and have had very little or no interaction with humans. These animals need people who can go in and work with them on a semi-regular basis. It helps to build trust through interaction with people. Helping these animals come out of their shells and become trusting, helps them to get adopted eventually.

Why Become a Volunteer?

There are plenty of reasons why you should become a volunteer. You can instantly see the results of the work that you put in with the animals you are helping. Animals can be un-trusting with strangers, especially if they have little interaction with people. Little by little, as you visit and put in work with the animal, you will start to see a change in their personality. This trust can quickly be built from baths, walks, or even pats on the head. 

What Are Easy Volunteering Jobs?

There will continuously be animals that come and go into rescues and shelters. Every animal needs love, care, and attention. One of the most important jobs is dog walking. Being in a kennel can stress a dog out to the point where they stop eating and act out. Taking a dog out of its kennel for a walk can help alleviate its stress. Another easy job is bath time! Bathing small animals can be very relaxing and allows human to animal bonding time. Bath time can get messy, but in the end, the animals will be very thankful. 

How Does it Benefit Me?

Volunteering is great for your emotional, physical, and mental health. Spending time with animals helps to lower stress levels and blood pressure. Walking dogs will keep you active, and caring for pets will help you deal with depression, anxiety, and stress. You will also benefit because it teaches you responsibility and time management in a professional manner. You have to be on time for scheduled shifts and notify management when you will be late. You will also be able to try something new. This allows you an excellent opportunity to explore a new area of interest and allows you to gain more skills you can put on a resume. 

What Can I Donate?

If you cannot find the time to volunteer, donations are much appreciated as well! We will provide a list of items and their usefulness, so you can see if you have any items to donate!

  • Newspaper- soft newspaper won’t hurt animal paws!
  • Towels and blankets- gently used items help with grooming and bedding needs. 
  • Fabric- pieces of leftover fabrics are great for making kitty cozies. 
  • Plastic bags or poop bags- these are used to pick up poop.
  • Heating pads or electric blankets- these help keep sick animals or old/young animals stay warm. 

Where Can I Volunteer and Sign Up?

In Corona, you can sign up to volunteer at the Corona Animal Shelter, which is located at 1330 Magnolia Avenue, Corona, CA. You have to be 18 years or older, and you must fill out an application. They are currently looking for specific types of volunteers, and they list their descriptions on their site, which can be found here. They are looking for a maintenance volunteer, adoption support & socialization volunteer, reception & phone support volunteer, clerical volunteer, and a rescue coordinator. You can find the link to fill out an application on their webpage. 

We hope you find this information enlightening. Volunteering benefits many people, as well as the animals that you help out. They will be eternally grateful. If you have any questions, feel free to give us a call. If you are ready to make an appointment, you can visit our BrightCare Animal Emergency  website. 

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