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Pet Entertainment During Coronavirus

pet entertainment during coronavirus

Pet entertainment during coronavirus is essential for our pets. The coronavirus is changing the way that we all live, including our pets. Owners, therefore, are having to adapt and find ways to keep their animals entertained at home. 

Lockdown rules mean that you can still take your pets for walks in most states around the country, so long as you stay more than six feet away from other people. But that is not usually enough to keep them busy all day, especially if you have a young, active dog. 

So what else can you do to keep your pet entertained at home? Let’s take a look at your options. 

Tug Of War

You don’t have to travel great distances to exercise your pet. In fact, a good game of tug of war is an excellent way for both of you to get a workout during the COVID-19 epidemic. 

Grab a suitable toy – preferably one set up for the job – and start playing. Just be sure that play remains controlled. You don’t want any damaged teeth or gums necessitating a trip to the vets. 


For those of you who have a garden or private outdoor space, fetch is a great option. It provides all of the exercises of an afternoon in the park but requires way less space.

If you’re feeling brave, you can also play fetch in home. Just be sure to choose a soft toy that won’t bounce and wreck all your stuff.

Organize A Scavenger Hunt 

COVID-19 lockdowns are dull for all of us. But they’re especially problematic for your pets who need regular stimulation to keep their minds active. Remember, they don’t know how to use the internet. Pet entertainment during coronavirus can be easy!

Scavenger hunts are an excellent tool for keeping their minds active during the coronavirus epidemic and helps keep them occupied. Pets, especially dogs, naturally love sniffing around for food – it’s all part of how they survive. You can, therefore, hide food around the house and then unleash them to find it. Just remember to clear up any crumbs leftover afterward – you don’t want pests moving in. 

Introduce Your Pets To New Toys And Play “Find It”

Dogs, like kids, love new toys. They’re a chance for them to play. 

Try giving the toy a name and then play “find it” – a bit like “hide and seek” but for dogs. Then, train them to bring it back to you by praising them or giving them a treat when they do. After a while of practicing this, your dog will not only learn the name of the toy but always be willing to play whenever they look as if they might be getting bored. 

Spend Some Time Training

Dogs don’t understand the conceptual difference between entertainment and learning. For them, all interactions are an opportunity to have fun and explore the world. 

Many owners, therefore, are using the coronavirus pandemic as an opportunity to train their pets. If you can’t go outside because of the spread of COVID-19 in your area, then you can find ways to train your animal inside.

Play Hide And Seek With People

Dogs are pretty smart. They know, for instance, the names of individual people in their household, so it opens up numerous opportunities for fun and games. 

You can play a version of “hide and seek” involving both family members and your pooch. Get everyone to hide around the home and then instruct the dog to go and find specific people. When they stumble on the right person, be sure to praise them and offer them a treat so that they do the same thing again. 

Keep the game simple as first so that they begin to understand the basics, and then ratchet up the difficulty. To start, have everyone stay in the same room so that you can teach them that they need to find the right person. 

Pet Entertainment During Coronavirus Conclusion

Keeping pets entertained during coronavirus is a significant challenge – so much so that governments around the world have made special provisions for pet owners. But even so, you still may not be able to go out, especially if parks are closed, and you’ll need a way to keep your dog active and happy. 

The good news is that, as yet, there doesn’t appear to be any evidence that humans can pass COVID-19 onto pets, with the possible exception of some cats. It is, therefore, relatively safe to continue taking your animal outdoors when you get the opportunity. In the meantime, you have many fun activities you can do at home to keep them entertained and help them avoid mischief. 

We hope you enjoyed our blog about pet entertainment during coronavirus. If you have any questions please give us a call! If you would like to browse our website, please visit our Brightcare Animal Neurology & Imaging site.

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